Bay Bulletin
March 10-15
Lynn Meadows Children’s Trip
Mark your calendar, families are invited to meet at the Lynn Meadows Discovery Center in Gulfport on March 15 from 10AM-1PM. Pack a lunch picnic and enjoy fun and fellowship on the facility playground. The cost is $10 per person and parents must attend with their children. Register on the church website by March 12. Contact Cherrie Smith for more information at cherrie@fbcbsl.org
Church Picnic
Save the date! Everyone is invited to the Church Spring Picnic on Sunday, March 30 directly following the morning worship service at McLeod Park (8100 Texas Flat Road, Kiln, MS).
Graduation Sunday is Scheduled​
Attention high school seniors! You are invited to participate in Graduation Sunday coming up on Sunday, May 4. There is a scheduled training session for graduates and their parents on Sunday evening, April 6. Please see Pastor David if you are interested and for more information.
Family Commitment Ceremony
Parents and caregivers are given the great responsibility to raise their children in the knowledge and love of the Lord. We as a church body want to support you and celebrate that commitment. Whether you have welcomed a new baby or you would like to publicly make that commitment for the first time as a family, you can be a part of our upcoming Family Commitment Ceremony on Sunday, May 11. Please contact the church office to sign up.
Children’s Summer Camp
Camp is on the calendar! Children who have completed grades 3-5 can sign up for the Summer Music and Arts Camp for Kids at William Carey University in Hattiesburg from July 8-11. Parents are invited to an informative meeting on Sunday, March 9 at 4:30PM in the Fellowship Hall.
Student Summer Camp
It is time to register for camp! Students finishing grades 6-12 can sign up for Generate Summer Camp in Lookout Mountain, Georgia from June 5-9. Sign up on the church website soon, spots are limited. See Pastor David for more information.
Thrive Now on Sunday Nights
Starting Sunday, January 12, students will meet on Sunday evenings at 5PM in the Youth Room for Thrive. We will continue to meet on Wednesday evenings at 6PM as well. See David for more details.
​Claiborne Hill Receipts
The Tuesday Ladies are collecting receipts from purchases at Claiborne Hill Supermarket. The store kindly gives a percent back to us from each purchase. Receipts can be placed in the baskets at each Welcome Center.​
Wednesday Night Bible Study Opportunities
On Wednesday evenings, Annette McBride leads women’s Bible study and they meet in Room 201 at 6PM. Also, Kirk Necaise is leading a men’s Bible study in Room 204 at 6PM.
Welcome Team Volunteers Needed
The Welcome Team is looking for friendly volunteers to greet members and guests on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in helping, please contact the church office.
Men’s Bible Study
Every Monday evening at 6 PM there is a Bible Study for the men of the church in the Fellowship Hall. Don’t miss out on learning and fellowship.
College and Career Grow Group
College students and young adults between the ages of 18-28, you are invited to the College and Career Grow Group meeting Sunday mornings at 9:15AM.
Assisted Listening Devices Available
If you have a hearing impairment, we have Assisted Listening Devices available for use. They are located at our Senior Station in the lobby area just outside the doors of the middle aisle of the sanctuary.
March 2 - 211
March 9 - 212
March Budget - $53,197
March Receipts - $8,697